Read and Accepted on May 18, 2015 at 1:06 p.m.
Present Martie Joe, Evelyn Noyes, Joanne Hogan, Geri Dore, Alba Gouldthorpe, Chaz Rudich and Joyce Machiros
Absent LuAnn Kuder and Jean Doyle
Meeting being chaired by Geri Dorr due to the absence of LuAnn.
Called to order at 1:08 p.m.
Old Business
* RN Visits Newbury Village, Quaker Hill and Oakridge with Regular weekly shopping visits went well.
- Department of Transportation approved the grant for the new van of $58,000 less 20 percent and the Town will provide the necessary additional funds needed in the amount of approximately $12,500 to $12,800. The Board congratulated Martie on a job well done.
- On the position for a person with skills in social medial and Electronic Communications it is moving ahead through the town requirements and will be going before the Board of Personal at their next meeting.
- Friends of Council of Aging had no Meeting in February.
- Nothing New at this time on Meals on Wheels
Bringing in New members suggestions were made to put a notice in the Daily News; mention it in the newsletter, Cable TV, and a Handout at Town Meeting.
Our next meeting will on April 20, 2015 and we will have Martha and Eric visiting to discuss a Senior Center in the future. We were asked to think about what type of space we would recommend as being needed “Food for Thought” is an expression in my notes. Martie handed out some interesting charts one on the percentage of senior population boom in the Merrimack Valley area. Also Data from our Town Clerk dated
February 2015.
I have attached a suggested layout with square footage that was taken from the Little River Project in 2006 and retyped in March of 2015.This was provided to me by Martie.
It is certainly something to work from at this meeting.
Council on Aging Friends approved the funding of the April 15, 2015 Volunteer Luncheon at the Fireman’s Hall.
Next meeting April 20, 2015 - Motion to Adjourn 2:00 p.m. by Evelyn
Submitted by Joyce Machiros
Secretary. Newbury Council on Aging